Savings & Superannuation
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Savings & Superannuation
Due to its lower tax environment, superannuation is an essential part of a Wealth Creation, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning strategy. During your working career your superannuation fund pays tax on the assessable earnings at a considerably lower rate than the top personal marginal tax rate.
In retirement, if the superannuation fund members are receiving a pension, the superannuation fund becomes even more tax effective. Although superannuation legislation is complex, First Capital Financial Planning guides its clients through the legislative maze to provide them with the most tax effective, long term investment planning vehicle.
Our advice covers self-managed funds, corporate superannuation and personal superannuation planning services including salary packaging.
As Australia’s population ages, the capacity of the Government
to provide aged pensions will diminish.
For many people, retirement is a time when they want to sit back and enjoy the “fruits of their labour”, for some the reality will be disappointingly bleak. Current indications are that superannuation will be the largest asset for many Australians by the time they retire – larger even than the family home.
Each client has different requirements for investment advice. We support our clients by providing them a framework to take control of their superannuation funds and provide whatever level of investment advice is required. When requested, we are in a position to provide clients with access to boutique investments, as well as traditional institutional investments through managed funds which are typically used to achieve diversity in a portfolio.many Australians by the time they retire – larger even than the family home.